It’s November already! WOW! I remember January 1st like it was just last week. It’s been a great year for the Ward family. I hope it’s been great for all you guys. I know for many it has been and for many others it has NOT been. I want to take a few minutes of your time here to HOPEFULLY encourage those of you who’ve not had the best year. PLEASE read on…

When I look back upon my life I notice there have been seasons where everything that was happening was awesome. Business was good, finances were good, family was good, it was ALL GOOD! I also notice when I look back that there were times when things just weren’t progressing the way they should. Some of those times were just completely unexplainable. Life is just like that, but why?

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”

This means that there will be tough times. I firmly believe that we are all here and called to support and encourage each other. Imagine if you NEVER had a difficult time at all in your lifetime. How would you ever be able to support and encourage someone and be empathetic if you’ve never known what it was like to go through a hardship. It would be tough, right? The toughest times are the times that make us into the people we need to become.

I heard a quote that went like this,

“Adversity makes some break; and some break records!”

-William A Ward

What’s the difference? I believe the difference is how we deal with the adversity. For ALL of you reading this, just know there IS a God, whether you believe it or not, and He cares for you enough to allow you to go through character-building times to help you become the person you were meant to become. Sometimes those times can be almost unbearable. God never said this life was going to be easy, but He did say he would be there with you if you call on Him.

For all of you out there going through the fire right now, stay strong. You CAN beat this thing! You CAN make it! You will get through and when you come out the other side, it will be awesome! Then you will be able to give good counsel to someone else having to go through something similar. Before you go, I want to leave you with one more quote.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

-John 16:33

Thanks so much for taking time to spend with me. If this has been of value, please like, share, retweet, etc. I hope you guys have an awesome week! You may not know, but I study and educate those that are interested in Christian Apologetics. Apologetics doesn’t mean “apology”, but instead is derived from the Greek word “Apologia” which means to give a response. In the case of Christian Apologetics, it literally means to give a response to Christianity. If you have questions about Christianity, God, Jesus, Science possibly disproving the possibility of a divine creator, or just having trouble with your faith because of circumstances I haven’t mentioned, check out this great website I love to forward people to!

Disclaimer Statement: Michael Ward is a Critical Care Registered Nurse and Wellness Consultant. He works directly with USANA Health Sciences as a brand ambassador after having an amazing product experience, specifically with the joint health product, Procosa which you can get here. Because USANA uses word of mouth advertising and relationship marketing ONLY, Michael decided to partner with them to get these amazing products out to people he cares about and that need them. You may have heard of USANA through many of the 750+ olympic and pro athletes that use their products or perhaps you have seen top USANA scientists on the Emmy Award-Winning daytime talk show the “Dr Oz Show”.

If you’d like to learn more about USANA’s award winning health products or would like to learn how to work with Michael and earn a supplemental income bringing value to others helping them to live a more healthy lifestyle, connect here.

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